
Monday, 1 December 2014

Little Scarlet

Santa is always very thirsty when he arrives under the Christmas tree. All that lugging and all that travelling in cold air is thirsty work. This is why we leave him a glass of milk before we go to bed on Christmas Eve.

One Christmas poor Santa discovers that every glass of milk under every tree he arrives under with his heavy bag of presents is gone, no more. Some glasses are empty, others have been knocked over and the milk spilled.

Boy, was Santa thirsty!

He was also a bit confused. Why was all the milk missing or messed?

Hmm, he decided to send an elf to investigate this thirsty dilemma. The elf discovered a cat in the third home he visited during his search for an answer, but it wasn't any old cat. It was Mrs Claus’s tabby called Little Scarlet!

When the elf asked why he drank all the milk, Little Scarlet told him he did so because Mrs Claus said he is fat and promised he would no longer find any milk in his bowl at the North Pole. He would get only water. Little Scarlet decided to hitch a secret ride in the sleigh, because he didn't like water!

When Santa heard about this from the elf, he promised to always keep some of the milk waiting under the Christmas tree. Santa promised Little Scarlet he would bring the milk back to the North Pole, and it would be their little secret.

This year Santa expects to quench his thirst when he arrives under the tree lugging his heavy bag. Be sure to leave some milk for him and for Little Scarlet!

 (By the way, Santa loves cookies too!)

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