
Saturday, 27 October 2012



This story takes place once upon a time, a very long time ago, deep in the forest. Now you remember what a forest is, don't you? Right, it is a place where there are lots of trees. OK, so in just one tiny part of a forest, a baby deer was born (a baby deer is called a "fawn"). Oh my, there was so much excitement that day. All the animals wanted to come and see the new fawn. Do you know why? It is because this was a special fawn. He was a young Prince. That means that one day, this tiny baby, would be all grown up and become the leader of all the deer in the forest. The birds sang the happiest song. "Drip drip drop little April showers."  What a beautiful, beautiful Spring day it was.

Thumper, he was a cute little rabbit, asked the mama deer what she was going to call her baby. She smiled and looked down at her son and then at Thumper. “I am going to call him Bambi," she said. Thumper stood there for a moment, thumping his foot. "That's a funny name", he said at last. Thumper's mommy scolded him, very gently, "Thumper", she said, "What did you father tell you this morning?" Thumper hung his head down, just a bit, and replied, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" And you know, that is really what we should all remember. We should always remember to say nice things about each other.

It was a happy time for Bambi. He soon learned to do many things. Thumper was his very best friend; they did all kinds of fun stuff together. Why, in no time at all Bambi was standing up. Oh yes he was really wobbly at first. Thumper just had to laugh at him. But that was ok because it was a nice kind of laughter, and Bambi did not mind it a bit. Of course he could not understand why Thumper laughed so hard when another animal popped up out of the flowers, and Bambi called him "Flower". It really was funny though, because you see, Flower was a skunk. And skunks are not the sweetest smelling of animals, especially not when they get excited. Oh my, most certainly not when they get excited.

Then one morning, real early, Bambi's mother took him to a wonderful place. It was called "the meadow". What a nice place that was for a young fawn to romp around and have fun. It was there that Bambi met Faline. Faline was very cute to be sure. At first Bambi was a little afraid of her, well, maybe not so much afraid as he was shy. But soon they were racing around and having a grand time chasing one another. When, all of a sudden, there was a horrible, loud noise. Like thunder! Only louder!  All the animals were running very swiftly. They were being led by "The Prince of the Forest". He was very old, and very strong. But he was also very, very wise. He knew he had to lead all the animals in the forest to safety. The one word that would do that was "MAN". Oh yes, all the animals knew that word. They knew it meant there was danger close by. So they did not waste any time, they ran as fast as they could. When it was safe, they all returned to their homes, and Bambi lay comfortably, safe and protected by his mother.

Winter soon came to the forest. At first Bambi had lots of fun. Thumper tried teaching him to slide on the ice. And as Bambi learned, Thumper just watched and laughed till he was rolling on his tummy. Poor Bambi, his four thin legs just went every which way, and down he would go again. Even though it was fun, it was also a hard time for Bambi and all the other animals, because the cold had rid the ground of its soft green, tender carpet of grass, and sweet tasting flowers. There was little to eat, except tree bark. "BAM" there it was again. The same deafening sound Bambi had heard before. His mother yelled for him to run for the thicket. "Quick!" she yelled. Bambi reached the thicket. But...but where was his mother. She had been right behind him, and now... she was not there.

Once again Bambi saw the Great Prince of the Forest. "Your mother can no longer be with you. You must learn to walk alone." What did that mean? What was the Great Prince telling him? Did he mean Bambi would never see his mother again? Yes, he knew that was what the Great Prince was saying. Bambi was alone.

At last winter left, and spring returned. Everything was green again. Bambi had grown much bigger. He was no longer a fawn, now he was a "Buck". A buck is a male deer, much older than a fawn. As the spring went on to summer, Bambi roamed the forest and the meadow.  Until one day he met Faline again. She had grown into a very beautiful graceful doe. Yes, that is what a grown up girl deer is called, a "doe". Just as they were beginning to enjoy being friends again, another buck came charging between them. He did not want Feline to stay with Bambi; he wanted Feline to stay with him. A terrible fight began. They kept charging at each other, bumping their foreheads against the other real hard. Until finally, the mean old bully was hurt and limped off all alone. Bambi and Feline walked off into the forest together.

As spring and summer had gone. Autumn arrived in the forest. The trees took on a breathtaking array of colours. And the air had a very special crispness to it. But sadly, all this beauty did not last. For one day Bambi began to smell something. And as he ran to find Feline, The Great Prince came. He told them to run very quickly, for the forest was on fire. Feline raced for protection, as Bambi and the Great Prince ran to warn all the other animals. At last the fire was over. Bambi, Feline, and the Great Prince looked on at the terrible thing that the fire had done. All the colours were gone. There was a terrible smell of burned wood, and blackened trees. A fire is a terrible thing, it destroys everything it touches. As they stood there, gazing at what remained of the smouldering forest, it was then that the Great Prince told Bambi, that when the forest was green again, he would be very old, and Bambi would have to take his place.

At last Spring arrived again. Green leaves, green grass, and wild flowers began to cover up some of the damage the fire had done. And now, do you know what was happening? All the animals were running to see. Not one new fawn, but two of them. They were cuddled next to their mother, Faline. And where was Bambi? Why, he was high on a hillside, looking down. His chest was puffed out, and he was standing there as proud as he could be. For not only was he a new father, but now Bambi was the new Prince of the Forest.

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