
Monday 10 October 2016

Let us go together!

Hello! Those of you who visit Bards and Tales often will know that I do not advertise my books on this site, other than the Lore Pages overhead, and those are there for you to click or not as you wish. I have posted a few quotes from my work, but never buy links.

This post isn't an advert either or a call to buy something! I am simply asking for your support :)

I have recently finished a new book - Ilfin of Arc - and to showcase it I created a Thunderclap campaign to release a single post on each supporter's social media page on the day of publication (04 November).

If you have a moment, please pop in at the campaign page HERE and click the Facebook and Twitter support buttons (or one or the other) and that is it! No registering, no extras, just a quick support click. The campaign requires a 100 supporters or it will not go live, and that is why I am asking for your help. Please help me reach 100! We are almost there!

Just to show you what it is you will be supporting, I'm posting a small image of Ilfin of Arc's book cover :)

Thank you so much for reading this post! And thank you in advance for your support!!


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