
Sunday 18 November 2012

Favourite Rhymes

Baa Baa Black Sheep 

Baa baa, 
Black Sheep, 
Have you any wool? 

Yes sir, yes sir, 
Three bags full: 

One for my master, 
One for my dame, 
And one for the little boy 
That lives in the lane! 

Hey Diddle Diddle 

Hey diddle diddle, 
The cat and the fiddle, 
The cow jumped 
over the moon; 

The little dog laughed 
to see such sport, 
And the dish ran 
away with the spoon. 

Little Boy Blue 

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn, 
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. 
Where's the little boy who looks after the sheep? 
Under the haystack, fast asleep. 
Will you wake him? No, not I, 
For if I do, he's sure to cry. 

Little Miss Muffet 

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, 
Eating her curds and whey; 
Along came a spider, who sat down beside her 
And frightened Miss Muffet away. 

Mary Had A Little Lamb 

Mary had a little lamb, 
little lamb, 
little lamb. 
Mary had a little lamb, 
Its fleece was white as snow. 

Everywhere that Mary went, 
Mary went, 
Mary went. 
Everywhere that Mary went, 
The lamb was sure to go. 

It followed her to school one day, 
school one day, 
school one day. 
It followed her to school one day, 
Which was against the rules. 

It made the children laugh and play, 
laugh and play, 
laugh and play. 
It made the children laugh and play, 
To see a lamb at school. 

Ring-a-Round a Rosie 

Ring-a-ring o' rosie, 
A pocket full of posies, 
Ashes! Ashes! 
We all fall down 

There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe 

There was an old woman 
who lived in a shoe, 
She had so many children 
she didn't know what to do; 

She gave them some broth 
without any bread; 
She whipped them all soundly 
and put them to bed. 

Three Little Kittens 

Three little kittens, 
They lost their mittens, 
And they began to cry, 
Oh, mother, dear, 
We sadly fear, 
Our mittens we have lost. 

What! Lost your mittens, 
You naughty kittens, 
Then you shall have no pie. 
Meow, meow, 
Then you shall have no pie. 

The three little kittens, 
They found their mittens, 
And they began to cry, 
Oh, mother, dear, 
See here, see here, 
Our mittens we have found. 

What, found your mittens, 
Then you're good kittens, 
And you shall have some pie. 
Purr-rr, purr-rr, 
Then you shall have some pie. 

Three little kittens, 
Put on their mittens, 
And soon ate up the pie. 
Oh, mother, dear, 
We sadly fear, 
Our mittens we have soiled. 

What! Soiled your mittens, 
You naughty kittens, 
And they began to sigh. 
Meow, meow, 
And they began to sigh. 

The three little kittens, 
They washed their mittens, 
And hung them out to dry. 
Oh, mother, dear, 
Do you not hear, 
Our mittens we have washed? 

What! Washed your mittens? 
Then you're good kittens! 
But I smell a rat close by. 
Meow, meow, 
We smell a rat close by.

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