
Saturday 24 January 2009


A line is drawn in the sand. Do you step over or onto it? Do you contemplate it or don't you see it all? Does it intrigue or does nothing resonate inside you long enough for it to impact?

A stone balances precariously on a larger one. Do you wonder how it came to be there or do you simply accepts its place? Do you wonder when it will fall and how, or does nothing resonate within you long enough for it to impact?

An unusual sound disturbs the quiet. Do you listen or not? Do you hope to hear it again or is the disturbance of no matter? Do you unravel its mystery or does nothing resonate within you long enough for it have impact?

Who drew the line in the sand? To what end? Who placed the stone on another? To what end? Who disturbed the quiet? To what end?

Who did what doesn't matter. What matters is that you see, think and listen. Only then do you speak. Only then will your words count- they will resonate inside and they will impact.

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