
Monday, 29 February 2016

How to decide between two options

Pick a berry, pick two, three, four.
Eat them, eat them well.
Come again for more

Averroes’ rhyme in The Kinfire Tree

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Know your place, children of the universe

Know your place, children of the universe. This does not mean you stand in the shadows without contributing to the grand design; it means know yourself and what it is you are able to contribute …

The Infinity Mantle
Elaina J. Davidson

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Battle Station

It is the mind that wins battles, not bodies.

The Infinity Mantle
Elaina J. Davidson


Hello, everyone! We have had some internet issues, and therefore could not be online. It is still not perfect, but at least there is some action again. Fingers crossed!

We will be catching up whenever possible :)

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Games teach skills

Games teach skills of co-ordination and strategy, true, and yet are seen as wasteful pursuit. One wonders if this reasoning is due to the fear of underlying lessons … such as premonition, the ability to think beyond the present.

The Infinity Mantle
Elaina J. Davidson

Monday, 15 February 2016

A Path

A path is a way especially designed for a particular use … it is also a course of conduct.

The Drowned Throne
Elaina J. Davidson

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Clear and Cloudy

A clear future is lovely, it is calming. A cloudy future is less lovely, it is unsettling. I put to you, imagination requires a juxtaposition of both. Clearness allows no personal growth, but it is necessary for clear thought. Cloudiness allows no certainty, but it is necessary for fresh action. The combination is creation’s catalyst.

The Dragon Circle
Elaina J. Davidson

Friday, 12 February 2016

Bent Back

When life bows your head and you cannot straighten, go then to someone who stumbles with bent back. Help him or her, and know your own troubles are as a drip in a puddle. Never, however, make the mistake of feeling superior … or it will be your back bent beyond recall.

The Dragon Circle
Elaina J. Davidson

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Favourite Fairytales (Images)

Peter Pan

The Frog Prince

Beauty and the Beast